About TCWD


Tejon-Castac Water District is a public agency founded in 1965.  The District’s jurisdiction expands to approximately 142,000 acres and provides water services to approximately 50 customers, all of them in the Industrial and Commercial category. The district is a member of the Kern County Water Agency and has an entitlement of state water project water. 

TCWD also owns three domestic wells which are used only in emergency situations when surface water is not available. TCWD has a domestic water treatment plant and two waste water treatment plants, one of which produces reclaimed water that is then used for landscape irrigation.

The District is a member of the Kern Water Bank which provides storage for wet years and becomes a reliable water supply for dry years. TCWD is overseen and supervised by an elected five-member Board of Directors (see below) and operated by PERC Water, an innovative water infrastructure company that develops, designs, builds, operates and manages water infrastructure.

Board of Directors


Dennis Atkinson


George Cappello


Mark Fanucchi


Mark Valpredo


Jeff Mettler
